Nigerians Who Have Won 2022 Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

Nigerian students in 2022 whose dream is to further their education in Europe through the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship program have begun receiving good news since February.

The scholarship has been misconceived by many to be the birthrights of students who finished their bachelors (1st cycle) programmes with a First Class Honours (Distinction), hence a lot of students with Second Class Upper and Lower Divisions do not apply.

This post is a compilation of Nigerian Scholars with second class Bachelors degree who have so far been awarded the scholarship this year.


What is Erasmus Mundus Scholarship?

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) award EU-funded scholarships to Master students from around the world that cover covering tuition, travel, and a living allowance.

The programmes last from one to two years during which students study in at least two different European countries, and obtain a joint, double degree, or multiple degree. Institutions from partner countries can also be part of the consortia that deliver these programmes (though this is not obligatory) as Full Partners, which means they officially award degrees, or as Associated Partners, where they participate in the programme in some kind of capacity, but do not award the actual joint degree.

Why Erasmus Mundus Scholarship?

  • Stipend per month (almost 1100-1200 Euros per month).
  • There is no tuition fee.
  • Allowance for travel.
  • Tickets for international flights.
  • When your semester is finished, you will be given a travel allowance from country to country.
  • There is no bond restriction to return to the country.
  • Also, after completing a Master’s or Ph.D., a job visa is given and after completing the degree, you will be able to work in Europe.
  • Erasmus is Europe’s equivalent of Fulbright. With so many advantages, you should really examine this possibility.

2022 Erasmus Mundus Awardees with Second Class Honors

1st Awardee

Programme: Marine Environment (MER2030)

Sex: Male

UG Education: B. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, Federal, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. (Second class Upper)

Internship/work experience: 2 internships/3 yrs of work experience

Conferences: 3 virtual conferences
Publications: 1 under review.
Tips“First, I thank God for his favour on my application. A detailed CV, relevant work experiences, professional memberships, relevant volunteering, 10 relevant online courses and recommendation letters.
Also, the Erasmus Scholarship Guide by EMA Nigeria really helped a lot during the application as well as the tips shared on the Facebook page.”


2nd Awardee

Programme: Sustainable Ship and Shipping 4.0 (SEAS 4.0)

Sex: Male

UG Education: B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

Internship/work experience: Internships: 2 internships in the following areas: computational fluid dynamics simulation (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA) and computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/M)

Publications: 1 already published in a reputable peer reviewed journal
Tips“I took my time to study the programme objectives and I realized I have to make up for some aspects that are not well covered in my undergraduate curriculum. Between April 2021 to January 2022, I have taken more than 20 MOOCs in the core subject areas of the SEAS 4.0 programme through EDX and Cousera.”

3rd Awardee

Programme: International Master in Sustainable Drug Discovery (S-DISCO)

Sex: Male

UG Education: BSc Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

Internship/work experience: 3 years

4 Selected Relevant Conferences (Oral and Poster presentations)
Publications: 3 Relevant Publications in reputable journals and others as follows: 1 manuscript accepted; 1 manuscript under-review; 1 under manuscript writing.
Tips“I recommend relevant online courses and workshops, Build a significant level of relevant research experience related to drug discovery (publications and conferences/workshop attendance could make you more competitive) and other award recognitions.

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